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Early study links low Vitamin D levels with headache

In a study published on January 3, 2017, Finnish researchers studied a group of 2,601 Finnish men between the ages of 42-60 years old and found that lower levels of Vitamin D were linked with prevalence of headache.

The average serum 25(OH)D concentration among those with frequent headache was 38.3 nmol/L (SD 18.8) and 43.9 nmol/L (SD 18.9) among those without frequent headache, after adjustment for age and year and month of blood draw (P for difference <0.001). After multivariable adjustments, those in the lowest vs. the highest serum 25(OH)D quartile had 113% (95% CI 42, 218%; P for trend <0.001) higher odds for frequent headache. In conclusion, low serum 25(OH)D concentration was associated with markedly higher risk of frequent headache in men.

Researchers were quick to qualify this early study that no cross-sectional testing was done.  More specifically, it’s unknown whether the lower levels of Vitamin D cause headache or whether those people who suffer frequent headaches seek to shade themselves from sunlight, therefore generating less Vitamin D.  In any event, this is one of the largest studies of this type, to-date.

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